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The perfect opportunity for automotive power to move to 48V
Saving weight has become a priority for vehicle manufacturers, and a move to a 48V power delivery network will help them achieve it. There have been many false starts for the move to 48V in the past. This time it looks like it could actually happen.

The importance of advanced power electronics in next-generation EVs
Discover why more power-efficient systems are essential in the design of tomorrow’s electric vehicles. Listen to the podcast. In this episode of Inside Electronics, we talk about the importance of sophisticated and efficient power systems in the designing the next generation of electric vehicles (EVs).

Eliminating the high voltage precharge with existing hardware in BEVs
Any high-voltage bus needs to have a precharge circuit to reduce the current flow over a period of time, called the dv/dt, to protect the electronic devices in a battery electric vehicle. The challenge with a traditional solution to this age-long problem is that the precharge resistor charge time is inversely proportional to the power dissipation.

How to replicate the automotive 12V battery: An interview with Nicolas Richard
With the imminent demise of lead-acid batteries in 2030 in Europe, what are the alternative solutions? A HV battery that drives the powertrain and an improved 12-V battery that performs essential offloads are required for EVs.